Mapinfo Tools Site See

Use MapInfo Discover to:
  • Build geological datasets
  • Compile drill-hole cross-sections and plans
  • View huge gridded datasets
  • Create drainage basins from gridded DEMs
  • Produce high-quality scaled maps, with geological symbols and linework
  • Create graphs with maintained links to spatial data in map windows
  • Create, manipulate, contour and profile gridded surfaces
  • Create and analyse stream networks and catchments from DEMs
  • Analyse and visualise geochemical data
  • Optionally display data in 3D using new MapInfo Discover 3D module
  • Integrate with field GIS using MapInfo Discover Mobile module
  • Enhance your GIS productivity via an extensive range of advanced tools and utilities
Click the image to find out more about pbEncom's MapInfo Discover

MapInfo Pro helps you manage and visualize data in one place. Through our solution, customer data is integrated with maps, demographics and then combined with powerful querying and modeling tools. This enables your models to be built and tested much more quickly and inexpensively than real world decisions.

  1. MapInfo ProViewer provides an easy way to see, print, and share electronic desktop maps. This convenient map viewer opens tables created using Pitney Bowes Business Insight products such as MapInfo Professional or MapXtreme and displays them in Map. Category: Multimedia &.
  2. MapInfo MapBasic is specifically for customizing MapInfo Pro. For professional developers we offer a range of developer tools for different environments and deployment models. Pictured (left/right) is MapInfo MapXtreme, a 100%.NET development kit for desktop or web based applications. We also offer a modular platform for enterprise grade.

Mapinfo Tools Site See

Mapinfo Tools Site See In French

OK, let’s back now i will show you how to add Mapinfo Extension in Mapinfo. For example i will give you Mapinfo Extension named “make sectors for mapinfo extension” . This extension is used in telco industry to draw sector in BTS.

Here the how-to add the extension and how-to use it :

Download the extension first

  • Main host file :
  • Mirror host file :

After you download, you will have one file named : make_sectors.MBX , put or copy this file into the installation folderProgram FilesMapInfoProfessionalTools in your computer, for example in my computer, the C:Program FilesMapInfoProfessionalTools

Continue with open your mapinfo application then go to this menu bar : Tools > Tool Manager then it will pop up new window.

Write the title and choose Add Tool then choose the location that you copy make_sectors.MBX then click OK.

In this window, chose that tools with Loaded and Autoload checked then click OK

Mapinfo Tools Site See In Space

Congrats ! our Mapinfo Extension is succeeding add to mapinfo application, you can see the menu bar will like this picture