Garmin Waypoint Symbols

It goes without saying that POI's are also points and are generally supplied by the manufacturer. They have a different name (not called waypoints) because they are stored in a different memory area than waypoints and may have more memory allocated per point for longer names and additional information such as addresses and phone numbers. The 'searching' function in the GPS receiver is a bit different for the different types of points. The 'searching' function may be done by category in the GPS receiver (and the manufacturer's supporting software). The manufacturers haven't supplied software for users to make their own POI's. And it's unlikely the manufacturer's supporting software will let you edit the POI data to make corrections or additions. However; like uploading maps, there is a user effort to write software programs to allow users to upload their own POI's.

On the Garmin GPSmap 76 with some Metroguide version 4 data loaded and some Topo data loaded, the 'Points' menu consists of:

Custom Symbol Repository. Looking for more than the pre-installed waypoint and POI symbols available on your Garmin GPSr? Find a particular symbol is not to your taste, or does not work for your map, and wish you could something else? Wish you could replace all those irritating blue pushpins displayed at each waypoint along every route? Custom Waypoint Symbols for Garmin. I have searched the forum extensively but cannot find any reference to custom waypoint symbols for Garmin. Even the latest version of Mapsource (6.16.2) is very limited in choice of waypoint symbols. The most glaring omissions is a symbol for a train.

'Waypoints', 'Points of Interest', 'Cities', 'Exits', 'Addresses', and 'Intersections'.

'Points of Interest' is further subdivided into:

'Food & Drink', 'Lodging', 'Attractions', 'Entertainment', 'Shopping', 'Services', 'Transportation', 'Emergency & Govern', 'Manmade Places', 'Water Features', and 'Land Features'.

And the subdivisions may also be further divided. For instance 'Food & Drink' is subdivided into:

'All Types', 'American', 'Asian', .... 'Fast Food', .... 'Pizza', .... 'British Isles', 'Other'

POIs are either built into the receiver or transferred to the receiver from the manufacturer's software. You don't transfer POI's from the receiver to your software. Waypoints can be transferred both ways. A GPS receiver that only supports 1,000 waypoints can have hundreds of thousands of POIs.Garmin Waypoint Symbols

Created By: yogazoo
Page Last Updated: March 31st, 2015 10:03pm
Map Coverage:
North: 63.8652°
West: -141.001°East: -52.905°
South: 25°
Country: United States
State: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Washington D.C., West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming
Price: Free

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Newly Updated! Download over 55 custom waypoint icons specifically designed for hunting in the west. now you'll be able to mark your bull or cow elk with an actual bull or cow elk symbol. There is also deer, bighorn sheep, bear, wolf, moose, animal tracks, blood trail, and much more! Compatible with most new and older generation Garmin mapping GPS units! The free download, screenshots, and instructions can be found on the website!

Visit Custom Hunting Waypoint Icons To Download.

Try Using Basecamp ... It Sends The Symbols You Select To Your GPS, At Least It Does On My Nuvis And Etrex 20

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