Far Cry 5 Gamerprofile.xml Download

FreeFar cry 5 gamerprofile.xml download pc

Jun 15th, 2018

Far Cry 5 Gamerprofile.xml Download Torrent

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  1. <quality
  2. DisableSplinesInReflection='0'
  3. WaterReflectionCoverRatioThreshold='0.005'
  4. WaterRefraction='0'
  5. ReflectionTextureSizeY='64'
  6. DisableWater='1'
  7. </Water>
  8. <Geometry>
  9. DetailDistanceScaleModifier='4.0'
  10. LodScale='10.0'
  11. ClustersMaxCountMultiplier='1'
  12. RealTreeCapsMaxDistance='100.0f'
  13. RealTreeOcclusionMeshFarDistanceScale='25.0f'
  14. RealTreeOcclusionMeshFarScale='1.0f'
  15. SceneObjectDepthPassMinSize='0.085'
  16. RealtreeReflectionMinLODTrunk='4'
  17. RealTreeHLeafMinSize='0.015'
  18. ClusterObjectMinSize='0.02'
  19. RealTreeMinSizeShadowScale='5.0'
  20. SceneObjectMinSizeShadowScale='5.0'
  21. MaxDecalCountPerType='1'
  22. MinZoomFactor='0.0'
  23. </Geometry>
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  25. SunShadowRange0='2'
  26. SunShadowRange2='20'
  27. SunShadowNightRange='10'
  28. CascadedShadowMapSize='64'
  29. SoftShadows='0'
  30. DisableShadow='1'
  31. DisableShadowGeneration='0'
  32. ForceLeafSingleSlice='0'
  33. DepthBiasCSM1='0.00075'
  34. SlopeScaleDepthBiasCSM0='2'
  35. SlopeScaleDepthBiasCSM2='2'
  36. SpotSlopeScaleDepthBias='20'
  37. SpotsCastShadows='0'
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  42. RainNumSplashesPerSecond='25'
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  46. RealTreeCsmExcludeMask='0'
  47. UsePixelLeafNormals='0'
  48. UseNextGenLighting='0'/>
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  50. TerrainLodScale='1.5'
  51. TerrainDetailBlendViewDistance='64'
  52. TerrainAffectedByMuzzleFlash='1'
  53. TerrainToTextureNormalStart='200.0f'
  54. VistaTransitionStart='200.0f'
  55. />
  56. <quality
  57. SkipMips='1'
  58. />
  59. <quality
  60. MaxHemiMapDistance='160'
  61. ShadowMapSize='256'
  62. SectorCountY='12'
  63. BlurQuality='0'
  64. SSAOLevel='1'
  65. />
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  67. NumTexelsPerEdgeXY='32'
  68. TessellationXY='8'
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  72. />
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  74. DepthPassMode='full'
  75. DepthPassNoPixel='1'
  76. />
  77. <quality
  78. EnableDeferredShadows='1'
  79. />
RAW Paste Data

Far Cry 5 Download


Far Cry 5 Gamerprofile.xml Download Torrent

Far Cry 5 Download Free


Far Cry 5 Gamerprofile.xml Download Pc

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