Creamapi Download

Dec 4th, 2017
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  1. ; Format: CREAMAPI v3.1.1.0
  2. ; AppID Name: Planet Coaster
  3. ; SteamDB:
  4. ; Homepage:
  5. ; Support:
  6. [steam]
  7. ; Application ID (
  8. ; Force the usage of specific language.
  9. ;language =
  10. ; Enable/disable automatic DLC unlock. Default option is set to 'false'.
  11. ; Keep in mind that this option is highly experimental and won't
  12. ; work if the game wants to call each DLC by index.
  13. ; Original Valve's steam_api.dll.
  14. orgapi = steam_api_o.dll
  15. ; Default is 'steam_api64_o.dll'.
  16. ; Enable/disable extra protection bypasser.
  17. extraprotection = true
  18. ; The game will think that you're offline (supported by some games).
  19. forceoffline = false
  20. ; Some games are checking for the low violence presence.
  21. ;lowviolence = true
  22. ; Note, that you can use . to set the parent directory (from where executable file is located).
  23. ; Maximum number of parent directories: 5 (.....)
  24. ; Default is the path to current working directory.
  25. ; Use DLC id as the appended installation directory.
  26. ; Default is 'true'.
  27. ; Purchase timestamp for the DLC (
  28. ;purchasetimestamp = 0
  29. ; Default is 'false'.
  30. ; Disables the internal SteamUser interface handler.
  31. ; Does have an effect on the games that are using the license check for the DLC/application.
  32. disableuserinterface = false
  33. ; Disables the internal SteamUtils interface handler.
  34. ; Does have an effect on the games that are checking for the actual AppId (only matters when 'wrappermode' is set to 'true').
  35. disableutilsinterface = false
  36. ; Default is 'true'.
  37. ; SteamId64 to override. Note that this action could be risky !
  38. ; This option can only work if 'disableuserinterface = false'.
  39. ; Bypass VAC signature check. Note that this action could be risky !
  40. ;signaturebypass = true
  41. [steam_wrapper]
  42. ; Application ID to override (used when the wrapper mode is on)
  43. ; Use the internal storage system.
  44. wrapperremotestorage = false
  45. ; Default is 'false'.
  46. ; Store the data in the current directory (incl. stats)
  47. ; By default the data will is stored at: %appdata%/CreamAPI/%appid%/
  48. saveindirectory = false
  49. ; Default is 'false'.
  50. ; Disable/Enable a StoreStats callback. Takes effect only if 'wrapperuserstats' is set to 'true'.
  51. ;storestatscallback = false
  52. [dlc]
  53. ; Format: <dlc_id> = <dlc_description>
  54. ; If the DLC is not specified in this section
  55. 520710 = Planet Coaster: Thrillseeker Edition
  56. 540751 = Planet Coaster - VIP Group Pass
  57. 540760 = Planet Coaster - Preorder Bonus
  58. 553771 = Planet Coaster - Digital Sketchbook
  59. 611400 = Planet Coaster - The Munsters® Munster Koach Construction Kit (Planet Coaster - The Munsters® Munster Koach Construction Kit)
  60. 611420 = Planet Coaster - Knight Rider™ K.I.T.T. Construction Kit (Planet Coaster - Knight Rider™ K.I.T.T. Construction Kit)
  61. 611421 = Planet Coaster - Back to the Future™ Time Machine Construction Kit (Planet Coaster - Back to the Future™ Time Machine Construction Kit)
  62. 710500 = Planet Coaster - FX17 Digital Goodies
  63. 710530 = Planet Coaster - FX17 Digital Goodies (Founder Level)
  64. [dlc_installdirs]
  65. ; Installation path for the specific DLC (dependent from 'installdir' option).
  66. ; This section works only if 'dlcasinstalldir' option is set to 'false'.
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Creamapi Download

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Creamapi Download Free

Here is how you can install cracked DLCs on ATS Steam version.The video is older but I'll keep the links updated. So you might want to check this video from. Aug 15, 2019 Contribute to NaughtDZ/creamapi development by creating an account on GitHub. Download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio and try again.